Monday, October 6, 2008


Today Icelands Primeminister adressed the Icelanders concerning the current economic situation. (Read the translated speech here) Talking like the country is in quite serious trouble, saying things like

"There is a very real danger, fellow citizens, that the Icelandic economy, in the worst case, could be sucked with the banks into the whirlpool and the result could be national bankruptcy."

They passed legislation for icelandic banks, as well as the pension scheme to move back assets to iceland... We will see if it helps to stablilize the economy - interesting times to come up here ;)

But, ahh - something funny in the end - at least for all german speaking readers: Check out Kindergartenkapitalismus ;)


Unknown said...

iceland's problems made it to the frontpage of the business section of "Der Standard".
see online:

leggler said...

Jp, infos are spreading also to german/austrian media now... Not suprisingly, an islandic friend of mine thinks, this is the biggest thing happening in the country since the independence declaration in 1944...

Anonymous said...,1518,582719,00.html

ich glaub ich sollte echt mal nen Flug buchen und einkaufen gehen

so eine bank um 2 euro, das wärs...;)

greets andi

Anonymous said...

dear mr. elfsborgson (aka leggler).

I need the following things from your lovely country (in alphabetical order):

2 litres of geothermal water (at least 35°C hot on Arrival)

sperm whale steak (medium)

One fine Eiszapfen (where´s!!)

and 124 notebooks, dell & sony....they are of course for resale in internet, haha!

I will pay with fine iclandic cronors, which I found recently under my geothermal pillow next to my vulcanic couch.

Stay calm and spend money,

flo j.

Anonymous said...

Das ist DIE Chance die Inselherrschaft an dich zu reißen!

LG, G.

sebi said...

elfen-haarem günstig abzugeben!? ,)