Wednesday, January 21, 2009

About Prophets and christmas tree recycling...

Phuu, yesterday has been quite eventful I would say.

First and probably most important thing: The Prophet, ahhhm... Barack Obama has arrived in office, while the personification of Evil, ahhhm, G.W. Bush is gone!! I think thats quite good news, congratulations to all americans out there, you finally voted someone with brains!

Did you hear Obamas inogeration speech? What is so interesting about these American-president-inogeration-speeches is that sometimes they have the power to predict the future of the whole world! What less could you expect from a prophet ;)

It reminds me of President Truemans inogeration speech, inventing the term "Under-developement" and thereby creating the before non-existend category of "development countries". One could even argue that in this very speech he made them under-developed.

Well, anyway, considering the skills of our black-president-oracle are true and real, what will the next couple of years bring?? Some Quotes and comments:

"And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it."
Pfuhh, that guy must be enlightened!! ;) at least he aknowledges what his predecessor tried hard to neglect! Sounds promising!

"The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act — not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth."
Ok, Ok, I hoped to much. No turning away from the growth paradigm. Does he not understand, that unlimited, exponential growth is not possible in a limited world? In my opinion our economic system must be changed fundamentally (thought not completely) to ever become a stable, fair system, starting with a monetary reform (check out olter entrys for more infos). Or is this just his way of saying thank you to his election sponsors?

"Know that America is a friend of each nation and every man, woman and child who seeks a future of peace and dignity, and that we are ready to lead once more."
Oh dear, again? We had that "world-leadership" already the last 8 years... What about "working together"?? I mean, about really working together! Not putting oneself above all other nations? Would be a much more democratic approach!

All in all promising - but it is to be seen how much "change" his "change" means. But hey, stay optimistic!! Whatever he does, he just cant do worse than his predecessor ;)

Everyone more interested can read the speech here, or watch it here.

And what else was going on yesterday - ah, ja, the icelandic parlament started to work again after the christmas break. Or at least tried to, if it wasnt for 2000 demonstrants blocking the entrance. But this demonstration took the whole icelanders-protest thing to a whole new level. Unitl now, you only had weekly demonstrations every saturday, where there were speeches held, and a couple of policemen were more bored than anything else. This time the demonstrants were masked, the police was fully equipped including pepper spray, which they made some use of, where as the demonstrants reacted in setting the christmas-tree on fire (stupid demonstrants! Living on iceland, where hardly anything grows anyway, and then they set such a nice tree on fire!! ;)

At one point they tried to light some park benches, but whenever they got the fire burning, the police came and put it off again. So after a few times the police got bored of the game, and they loaded the benches on a truck and transported them somewhere else.

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