Monday, March 9, 2009

Ski the fokkin Rift(-zone)!!!

Hey! Its been a long while since the last post - but the last weeks have been just about the most cramped studying weeks Ive ever experienced! Isnt that crazy!

But last time I gave myself a day of and took care of my health - and went skiing!!! There is a nice little skiarea called Bláfjöll only 30km from reykjavik. Not very exciting skiing (compared to the utter-most perfect skiarea I come from ;P but where else can you ski right on a mid oceanic ridge, right in between Europe and America, on old sublacial volcanoes?

Cool experience, I tell ya!

And besides that its slowly getting spring here! Its already bright from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening, and we gain approximatly 7-10 minutes every day!! In a month I will be able to ski til 10 in the night in sunlight!! THATS what I'm talking about!!! :P
Enjoy the pics - lks


Anonymous said...

Zürs an Lukas,
Schnee, Sonne und Skilift- wir freuen uns für Dich
Ma u Pa u Steffi u David

sebi said...

yeah... krater schifoan, des wetter war jo an wahnsinn und die fernsicht... hoffentlich hosch dir d isländer salmiaki-apre-ski erspart ,)

greetinx from vienna,

cheers sebi

Anonymous said...

neuigkeiten, neuigkeiten!! ahja, schifoan is auch island des leiwandste, wos ma si nur vuastölln kooooo.

Gerald said...

Fotoooooos - da fehlen doch noch welche, ooder? ;-)

LG ausm sonnigen (!!!!!³) Wien!

sebi said...

isch do jemand?
uuuupdaaates... woo sind die uuuppdaaaaates?? :))

cheersn, sebi